Dengue Fever Outbreaks Rise Around the Globe

JB Shreve
November 2, 2023 1 min to read
Reading Time: < 1 minute

dengue fever

The global rise in temperatures is leading to a surge in familiar diseases. Experts attribute the spread of dengue fever outbreaks worldwide this year to climate change and mass population movements.

The World Health Organization reports significant outbreaks have been recorded this year in the Americas, with nearly 3 million suspected and confirmed cases. That’s a nearly 10% rise over 2022, the third-highest year on record before this year. Brazil, Peru, and Bolivia have recorded the highest number of cases.

dengue fever

Dengue outbreaks were reported in Bangladesh and Sudan, while Jamaica, Sri Lanka, and Thailand went on high alert due to the number of newly reported cases.

Dengue is a mosquito-borne disease found in 130 countries. There is no known treatment or cure. Between 2000 and 2022, the number of dengue cases increased eightfold.

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Dengue – Region of the Americas

As The Climate Warms, Dengue is Spreading