
19 articles

At the End of History, we are neither Republican nor Democrat. We are focused on the Kingdom of God and the fulfillment of God’s will in the earth. Politics today is a chaotic field of outrage and blindness. We look at political issues and events to see beyond the deceptions of these dark times and into the truth of what God is doing today. Our objective is to discern political values from the values of the Kingdom of God.

Debate Night Bingo and Live Feed Is Here!!

Reading Time: < 1 minute Debate Night Bingo is here. The End of History Insiders are invited to meet up on the WhatsApp group while we watch. Secure your bingo card through the link below. You can either print the card or do it virtually. The rules are simple. Join the End of History Insiders on the WhatsApp Group Thursday…

June 25, 2024
Latest Politics

How God Is Using Donald Trump

Reading Time: < 1 minute Throughout American history, we have experienced unconventional leaders and game-changing elections. Jimmy Carter and Ronald Reagan could fit those descriptions, as could Theodore Roosevelt and Andrew Jackson. However, the upheaval and chaos that followed the ascent of these leaders do not even remotely compare to what followed Donald Trump’s election. Read More>>>>>> THIS COMPLETE ARTICLE…

1 min to read
Latest Politics

Is America Heading Toward Civil War?

Reading Time: 2 minutes As Donald Trump sailed toward the Republican nomination this winter and spring, at his political rallies, speakers and supporters paused to honor the imprisoned “hostages.” These hostages are the men and women arrested for storming the capitol in January 2021. The former President has barely touched the campaign trail, as his attention has been diverted…

2 mins to read
Intelligence Briefs Latest Politics

First Comes Confusion, Then Comes the Chaos – 2024 US Elections

Reading Time: < 1 minute The 2024 US Presidential election season will kick off tomorrow with the first caucuses in Iowa. This week’s current events brief looks at how we can expect 2024 to be unlike any other election, full of confusion at first, then comes the chaos. These video briefs are available exclusively to our Patreon supporters. Links New…

1 min to read

Bank Failures, Government Interventions, and a Dysfunctional Economic System Beginning to Implode (Part 2)

Reading Time: 4 minutes This is part two of this article discussing the coming economic meltdown. You can find part 1 here. Crazy Stupid Ideas That Lead to the Coming Economic Meltdown The father of capitalism, Adam Smith, wrote about the invisible hand of the marketplace. The invisible hand worked to incentivize individuals and businesses to work toward their own…

5 mins to read

The Recurring Debt Limit Crisis – Kicking the Can Down the Road

Reading Time: 6 minutes On Friday, the US Secretary of the Treasury, Janet Yellen, warned the US must take “extraordinary measures” to avoid defaulting on its debt as soon as January 19. Yellen explained she would impose those extraordinary measures until Congress agreed to raise the debt ceiling – again. Welcome to the latest round of the debt limit…

7 mins to read
Global Politics

None of It Worked

Reading Time: 7 minutes When the coronavirus pandemic first began to surge, I posited a thought on one of the podcast episodes in those early days. How could the American system possibly confront a pandemic? At the time, China was nearing 10,000 confirmed coronavirus cases, and fears were growing as the coronavirus spread across the globe. While I am…

8 mins to read

Nightmare Scenario

Reading Time: 3 minutes “Between election day and January 20, 2021, Trump’s last day in office, COVID19, killed another 160,000 Americans. Trump said almost nothing about the virus in those ten long weeks. The country would surpass 300,000 new cases and 4,000 deaths in a single day. Americans were dying faster than at any other period in US history.” …

4 mins to read

President Biden Does Not Understand Inflation

Reading Time: 3 minutes In late May, our family exited a year of pandemic lockdown for a 5,000 mile road trip of the west.  Our vaccination cards secured, we toured three of the largest national parks, including the Grand Canyon, Yosemite, and Yellowstone. Our tour took place only weeks before much of the country opted to do the same…

4 mins to read

A Historical Breach of Security

Reading Time: 4 minutes Years before the coronavirus pandemic, experts repeatedly warned the United States was not ready for the next major disease outbreak and that another significant outbreak was inevitable. The US political establishment failed to respond, and we are seeing the results today. Similarly, experts have repeatedly warned for more than two decades of the woeful lack…

5 mins to read