
In 2012 this website began as a history podcast tied to current events. We wanted to find the seeds of history that blossomed into the chaotic fruit of today. Some 400+ podcast episodes later, and the pace of the chaos has accelerated.

  • In 2012 we called the Arab Spring for what it was. When the rest of the world was lauding freedom and democracy, here at the End of History, we warned this was a revolution and revolutions usually end in chaos.
  • In May 2016, we predicted Donald Trump would be the next president of the United States (and we weren’t Trump fans).
  • In January 2020, while the rest of the world looked the other way, we were among the first to point attention to a new “mystery virus” coming out of China. (Two months earlier, my book How the World Ends predicted global pandemics would be a sign of the times we live in.)

The pace of the chaos is accelerating, and we are watching! At the End of History, we are not devoted to any political agenda or view. We are watching the world as we once knew it coming undone. This is the tipping point generation. This is the era of collapse. We are watching it happen and helping you understand how it’s unfolding.

Don’t believe us yet? No problem. We are not trying to persuade you. When you’re ready to realize things are changing and it is not okay, join our international audience and track the chaos of the world’s end here at the End of History.


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