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The Golden Age of Conspiracy Theories

Reading Time: < 1 minute Each year, Gallup tracks American trust in its institutions. That trust has declined significantly over the last two decades, but in 2022, it took a nosedive, continuing that trend into 2023. This is a nonpartisan reality, by the way. The one thing Americans, Democrats and Republicans, agree on is that we don’t trust the world…

July 23, 2024

A Look of Destiny

Reading Time: < 1 minute As a person who places his faith in front of his politics, I do not see how one can fail to see the hand of God in preserving Donald Trump’s life this past Saturday. But perhaps that salvation is not for the ends many of his supporters believe it to be. Perhaps God, as I…

2 mins to read
Latest Podcasts Series

The Dark and Dangerous Reality of Christian Nationalism (Video)

Reading Time: 2 minutes If you have not yet heard the phrase “Christian Nationalism” in this crucial election year, then you might not be paying attention. A minority on the political right claims that Christian Nationalism is God’s answer for America. (It’s not!) On the left, it is portrayed as one of the greatest threats a second Donald Trump…


So It’s Come to This

Reading Time: < 1 minute The nature of democracy is that no matter how much we despise the system and its candidates, they are ultimately a reflection of “we the people.” This is the system and the democracy that we deserve because this is the system that we created. Six months before Donald Trump’s victory in 2016, I predicted he…

1 min to read
Latest Politics

Debate Night Bingo and Live Feed Is Here!!

Reading Time: < 1 minute Debate Night Bingo is here. The End of History Insiders are invited to meet up on the WhatsApp group while we watch. Secure your bingo card through the link below. You can either print the card or do it virtually. The rules are simple. Join the End of History Insiders on the WhatsApp Group Thursday…

1 min to read

The Louisiana Ten Commandments Law Is Not A Victory for the Faith

Reading Time: 2 minutes While I am sure it would be nice if more Americans shared my faith and Biblical-based values, the move in Louisiana to require posting the Ten Commandments in public classrooms does not accomplish that. In fact, it is counterproductive. Faith cannot be compelled. The very nature of faith is an attribute of the heart born…

2 mins to read

The Things That Matter Most

Reading Time: < 1 minute On election night 2020, I participated in a podcast panel made up of guests from different political backgrounds and leanings. The questions posed included what we each predicted would happen that night and what it would mean for the next four years. In line with a podcast I put out earlier that year, I predicted…

2 mins to read

They Are Coming for Your Minds

Reading Time: < 1 minute As the world moved from World War II to the Cold War with the dawn of the nuclear age, a small group of writers began crafting some amazing fiction about the not-too-distant future. George Orwell is among the most famous of these writers, and his book 1984, about an authoritarian future, is among the most…

1 min to read

Discernment In Times of Deception

Reading Time: < 1 minute There is a difference between knowledge and Truth. This is an essential and biblical paradigm for Christians to recognize and embrace. The tree of knowledge of good and evil stood in contrast to the Tree of Life in the Garden of Eden (Genesis 2:8-15). Truth brings forth life; knowledge is a more dangerous and destabilizing…

2 mins to read
Latest Politics

How God Is Using Donald Trump

Reading Time: < 1 minute Throughout American history, we have experienced unconventional leaders and game-changing elections. Jimmy Carter and Ronald Reagan could fit those descriptions, as could Theodore Roosevelt and Andrew Jackson. However, the upheaval and chaos that followed the ascent of these leaders do not even remotely compare to what followed Donald Trump’s election. Read More>>>>>> THIS COMPLETE ARTICLE…

1 min to read