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History of the Christian Right – Part 1: Before We Were Republicans

Reading Time: 2 minutes The origin of Christian involvement in American politics has a longer history than most people realize but it probably does not begin where you would imagine. Episode 1 of this series on the history of the religious right in America examines early 20th century Christian involvement in politics. Some of the most devoted and progressive…

December 4, 2023
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New Book from JB Shreve

Reading Time: 7 minutes From identity politics to Make America Great Again, our modern political age thrives on outrage, shock, and increasing hostility toward our neighbors. In the new book Politically Incorrect: Real Faith In An Era of Unreal Politics, JB Shreve explores how we got here, how bad it has become, and what Christians must do next. In…

7 mins to read

A New Report on Economic Inequality

Reading Time: < 1 minute A new report from has offered further insight into the growing gap between the world’s wealthy and the rest of us. Between 2019 and 22, American families saw their incomes grow by about 3%, while the highest-income households saw one of the most considerable three-year changes ever recorded. The average net worth of the…

1 min to read

The US National Elections Are One Year from Today

Reading Time: < 1 minute One year from today, the US will hold its national elections, and it appears we are headed toward a repeat of the 2016 elections, 80-year-old Joe Biden against 77-year-old Donald Trump. As usual, I don’t take sides in the presidential election as neither side represents my values or interests. America remains utterly divided and bankrupt…

1 min to read

This Week in Gaza – November 6

Reading Time: 2 minutes Protests continued in cities around the world this weekend, denouncing Israel’s bombing of densely populated Gaza. Major cities in Europe, Asia, and the US saw thousands march in protest against the humanitarian toll the Israeli siege of Gaza has taken. Notably, protesters also demonstrated outside Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s home, calling for a return…

2 mins to read

Chinese Provocations in the South Pacific

Reading Time: < 1 minute As the US struggles to balance its focus between Ukraine and the Middle East, a third demand for its attention in the Pacific has become increasingly difficult. In the third week of October, Chinese vessels deliberately collided with a Philippine coast guard ship. A Chinese J-11 flew within 10 feet of a US B-52 two…

2 mins to read

Dengue Fever Outbreaks Rise Around the Globe

Reading Time: < 1 minute The global rise in temperatures is leading to a surge in familiar diseases. Experts attribute the spread of dengue fever outbreaks worldwide this year to climate change and mass population movements. The World Health Organization reports significant outbreaks have been recorded this year in the Americas, with nearly 3 million suspected and confirmed cases. That’s…

1 min to read

Fighting Continues in Sudan

Reading Time: < 1 minute The war in Sudan continues, pitting the Sudanese Army led by General Abdel Fattah al-Burhan against the paramilitary Rapid Support Forces (RSF) led by General Mohamed Hamdan. According to the UN, approximately 9,000 people have been killed and injured in the fighting. The United Nations says it is one of the worst humanitarian nightmares in…

1 min to read

Quote of the Day – Colombia’s President

Reading Time: < 1 minute Colombia’s new president Gustavo Petro addressed the UN General Assembly last week: “It would seem as though the global leadership has made enemies with life.” Later in his speech, he noted addictions to cocaine and drugs but added, “There is the true addiction in this period of human history: addiction to irrational power, profit and…

1 min to read

Scenes from a Disaster Movie

Reading Time: 2 minutes In disaster movies, we often find scenes of chaos at national borders. Amid the pending disaster of an incoming asteroid or zombie apocalypse, the systems along national borders become overwhelmed as immigrants and refugees seek to escape the crisis. Today, it is not asteroids or zombies that the world is running from, but we are…

3 mins to read