Nicolas Maduro Fact Sheet

nicolas maduro venezuela economic crisis history nicolas maduro fact sheet

Nicolas Maduro Fact Sheet

  • Nicolas Maduro was groomed as Hugo Chavez’s successor.
  • He succeeded Chavez after the latter’s death in 2013. He was later elected to the presidency in a narrow vote.
  • He was reelected in 2018 in an election that much of the world deems as fraught with corruption and fraud.
  • Maduro’s presidency dawned just as the price of oil was collapsing from the record highs that Venezuela’s economy had been propped up by since 2006.
  • As conditions worsened in Venezuela the rule of Nicolas Maduro grew increasingly unpopular. He has responded to unrest with force, seeking to suppress opposition at every turn.
  • He has been the target of several high profile assassination attempts include some caught on national television.
  • Like Chavez before him, President Maduro blames the nation’s problems on conspiracies and efforts from his enemies in the United States.

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