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african genocides

African Genocides – The Ongoing History of Genocide – Episode 9

Comprehending genocides by relying on the popular narratives alone is ineffective. For example, Hotel Rwanda was a good movie but not a completely accurate depiction of what unfolded in Rwanda in 1994. There is...
GERD Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam

You Should Know About the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD)

Crises are beginning to accumulate in Ethiopia. It is only a matter of time before one explodes in a significant regional and perhaps global catastrophe. While prior posts have looked at the country's growing...
balkan genocide

Genocides at the End of History – The Ongoing History of Genocide – Episode...

In the 1990s, as communism crumbled and the Cold War ended, many in the western world celebrated the pending end of history. The term, the end of history, was coined by the political scientist...
rwanda genocide

The Rwanda Genocide – 1994

The 1994 genocide in Rwanda is a stain on world history and international relations. At a time when the western world celebrated the collapse of communism and looked forward to the dawn of a...

Middle East Water Crisis

When most people think of the Middle East, they imagine sand dunes and rolling deserts. While that is true of a nation like Saudi Arabia, it is not an accurate image for the broader...
silent genocide guatemala genocide

The Silent Genocide – Guatemala’s Genocide of the Mayans

The Silent Genocide is the name given to the Guatemalan genocide of an estimated 200,000 Mayan people in Guatemala. In addition to the 200,000 deaths, another 200,000 became refugees when they fled Guatemala for...
East Pakistan War 1971 Bangladesh genocide

1971 Bangladesh Genocide – The Birth of a Nation

This post tells the story of the 1971 Bangladesh Genocide. Our readers at the End of History are among the smartest in the world, and given the opportunity, I bet they could find Pakistan and...
American water crisis

America’s Inevitable Water Crisis – Happening Now

Increasingly the world is waking up to the global water crisis. That US has not escaped that wake-up call. A growing American water crisis is pounding the western US and parts of Hawaii. This year...

The Only Plane in the Sky

The United States will mark the 20th anniversary of the September 11, 2001 terror attacks on Saturday. Most of us simply call it 9/11, and everyone knows what we are talking about when we...
cold war genocides

Cold War Genocides – The Ongoing History of Genocide – Episode 7

In part 7 of our podcast series Never Again, Again - The Ongoing History of Genocide, JB Shreve and Brian Butler look at four different genocides in the post-World War II era, the Cold...