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The Middle Class, Statistics and the Public Debate

The experts want us to believe that confusing middle class statistics are for them alone to understand. It's not as difficult as they make it to be.
struggling middle class

Squashing the Middle Class – The American Caste System Part 2

Increasingly the middle class can be defined less by what a household earns and more by what it no longer has access to. (The American Caste System: Part 2)
american caste system and extreme poverty

The American Caste System – Part 1

The recent debates on extreme poverty in America miss the larger realities of the changes and threats within the American economy and caste system.
leaders of iran

Leaders of the Islamic Republic of Iran [infographic]

Distinguishing the different names and leaders of Iran can be a challenge. This infographic provides a little cheat sheet on the timeline and names.
iran history islamic republic of iran history us and iran history of iran podcast history of Iran podcast episode 5 history of iran podcast episode 4 history of iran podcast episode 3 history of iran podcast episode 2 history of iran podcast episode 1

The Next War: The History of Iran Part 6

The US and Iran are heading toward war. This is where the story has been moving all along. This finale in my podcast series on the history of Iran explains why it is going to happen. This is part 6 in my podcast series on the history of Iran. Listen to this series and understand what is taking place when the big news hits - even before the big events happen.
iran history islamic republic of iran history us and iran history of iran podcast history of Iran podcast episode 5 history of iran podcast episode 4 history of iran podcast episode 3 history of iran podcast episode 2 history of iran podcast episode 1

Years of Lost Possibilities: History of Iran and the Next War Part 5

This podcast episode looks at Iran's history and the years of lost possibilities from 1990 to 2015. This is part 5 in our podcast series.
photos that aren't true

When A Picture Speaks A Thousand FALSE Words

A picture is worth a 1,000 words but it would serve us well to inquire before we believe them. We might be surprised by the famous photos that are not true.
death of Ayatollah Khomeini

The Death of Khomeini

I talked about these images from the funeral and death of Ayatollah Khomeini in the podcast episode today. This scene from the funeral procession of the Ayatollah Khomeini convinced us in the 1980s that...
iran child soldiers

Iran’s Child Soldiers

Children were used to clear mine fields or in the "human wave" strategy of attack where hordes of bodies were more or less just thrown at superior Iraqi artillery in an effort to overcome them. 
iran history islamic republic of iran history us and iran history of iran podcast history of Iran podcast episode 5 history of iran podcast episode 4 history of iran podcast episode 3 history of iran podcast episode 2 history of iran podcast episode 1

The Islamic Republic of Iran Is Born: History of Iran and the Next War...

Part 4 in our series looks on the History of Iran and the Next War looks at the decade following the Islamic Revolution of 1979. We look at the severing of Iranian relations with the west, the Iran-Iraq War, and chaos and atrocities unleashed by the Ayatollah Khomeini and the end of Iranian relations with the western world.