JB Shreve
JB Shreve is the author of "How the World Ends: Understanding the Growing Chaos." He has been the host of the End of History podcast since 2012. He has degrees in International Relations and Middle East Studies. His other books include the Intelligence Brief Series. Regular posts and updates from JB Shreve are available at www.theendofhistory.net
In this podcast episode we take a brief look at the long history of election meddling which the US has helped to write since 1915.
“A house divided against itself cannot stand.”
Abraham Lincoln
Yesterday’s podcast episode (11/9/16) looked at the issue of social divisions in America that have been at the center of our culture this election year. The political polarization within America was a serious issue needing to be addressed long before this...
The anger and fear in America today is brought about by a broken trust. We have a responsibility to stand above the fray.
This two part podcast series explains the how the current crisis in Venezuela developed. Part 1 looks at the history of Venezuela and demonstrates this South American nation's unique place in the global order. Venezuela in Crisis helps you understand the news that is unfolding today.
Every respected poll currently shows Hillary Clinton will be the next President of the United States. The Washington Post ran a story Monday entitled “The Presidency is Clinton’s to Lose.” Donald Trump has no real political platform except to say whatever needs to be said at any given moment...
By the 1980s nationalism and political philosophies had failed the former Islamic world of the Middle East. Into this vacuum stepped Islamic extremist ideologies pushed in different manners by the rulers of the Shia and Sunni branches of Islam.
This is part 3 in JB Shreve and the End of...
Before Islamic extremism took hold in the Middle East there was actually a decline in Islam’s influence there as nationalism and political philosophies took root. Behind the scenes however, radical thinkers began looking for another route to greatness by way of their misunderstood history.
This is part 2 in the...
This is part 1 of the three part podcast series that look at the history of Islamic Extremism.
JB Shreve looks at the early history of Islam to separate fact from fiction, or in this case revisionist history. The extremist ideas of many of the religious terrorists today were not...
This Boko Haram Fact sheet is part of my wider in depth look at this terrorist group. You can learn more about Boko Haram with full fact sheets, timelines, backgrounders and history here.
Boko Haram Fact Sheet
Boko Haram is a violent Islamic fundamentalist group based in north eastern Nigeria. Their reign...
We all know what welfare is and as a heated and polarized election season has kicked off we will no doubt hear much about this system and its needed reform – or from some candidates its needed abolishment. Welfare, as pundits like to point out, is where our hard...