In part 7 of our podcast series Never Again, Again – The Ongoing History of Genocide, JB Shreve and Brian Butler look at four different genocides in the post-World War II era, the Cold War Genocides.

Two significant global events play significant roles in the genocides of this period. First, the collapse of the colonial system left nations from Africa to Asia in an array of disorder. Frequently that disorder gave rise to despots and widespread oppression. Occasionally it went so far as to bring about genocide. The second significant global event was the Cold War where proxy fights allowed genocide to either begin or continue without global opposition. This is the period when the words Never Again truly lost their significance because clearly, genocide continued, again and again.
Learn More About the Cold War Genocides Discussed in This Episode At These Links:
- Nigerian Writers Compare Genocide of Igbos to the Holocaust
- Remembering Biafra’s War That Many Prefer to Forget
- Biafra Genocide – A Forgotten History
- Pol Pot and the Cambodian Genocide
- Guatemala’s Silent Holocaust
- 1971 Bangladesh Genocide – Birth of a Nation
Access links to prior episodes in this podcast series on the history of genocide here.
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