Essential Guides To Better Understanding the World

I hope you are enjoying this web site. As you have probably noticed, I cover a lot of different topics, both through the podcasts and through the blog. If you are wanting to hone in on one particular topic this is a good place to start. Each of my web guides are divided up in a number of blog posts. As you read through the guides you will gain a better understanding of the world. Some guides look at history to get a better understanding of the world; while other guides look at social, moral and ethical issues.

Each post in the web series includes an approximate “Reading Time” at the top of the page. This signals how long it will take you to read through the post. An investment of 15 minutes a day may be all it takes for you to gain a better understanding of the world we live in.

Enjoy whichever series you choose to start with today. I would love to hear your feedback. Also, check back often to this page as I am frequently adding new series and guides to help you gain a better understanding of the world we live in.


guide to understanding syria gain a better understanding of the world understanding modern iran
venezuela crisis explainer guide to understanding israel and palestine gain a better understanding of the world


everything you need to know about boko haram everything you need to know to understand modern india


european union backgrounder and guide ultimate guide to understanding the middle east

guide to economic inequality