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none of it worked

None of It Worked

When the coronavirus pandemic first began to surge, I posited a thought on one of the podcast episodes in those early days. How could the American system possibly confront a pandemic? At the time,...
The New Map: Energy, Climate, and the Clash of Nations

The New Map: Energy, Climate, and the Clash of Nations

This book is in the lead for my best read of 2022 so far. For those interested in international relations, geopolitics, energy, and just about anything else that might have brought you to this...

Watching A Crisis Unfold in Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka’s security forces confronted protesters over the weekend, raising alarms of more instability in the Asian island nation. The country is facing a cascade of crises. What began as an economic crisis has...

How America’s Best and Brightest Set the Stage for Vladimir Putin’s Rise

This weekend President Biden “forcefully” called for regime change in Russia. Speaking of Vladimir Putin, the US President said, “For God’s sake, this man cannot remain in power.” In prior years I have written...
China-Taiwan Threat backgrounder

Backgrounder to The China-Taiwan Threat

China flew a record-breaking number of military flights into Taiwanese airspace to open the month of October. The unprecedented 150 flights included bombers, anti-submarine planes, and a clear intent to threaten Taiwan with force...
dark history of the nobel prize

The Dark History of the Nobel Prize (They Prefer You Forget)

Last week the Nobel Prize Committee began announcing its 2021 recipients. The highly esteemed Nobel Prize is named after Alfred Nobel, a 19th-century Swedish chemist, and inventor who developed the invention of dynamite. According...
aq khan

The Death of AQ Khan – REPOST –

Yesterday Abdul Qadeer Khan (AQ Khan) died in Pakistan after being hospitalized for COVID19. Khan is the man responsible for facilitating turning Pakistan into a nuclear power and just as significant, providing countries like...
history of genocide podcast

Never Again…Again – Bonus Episode – Recommended Books on the History of Genocide

This bonus episode in our series Never Again...Again – The Ongoing History of Genocide discusses some of our top recommended books on the history of genocide for those who want to dive deeper into...
genocides today

Genocides Today – The Ongoing History of Genocide – Episode 10

JB Shreve and Brian Butler present the final episode in the podcast series Never Again, Again…the Ongoing History of Genocide. In this episode, the guys look at three potential genocides today - mass murders...

Evergrande, Our Upside-Down World, and the Shape of Things to Come

Readers who give even the most minimal levels of attention to financial news and headlines recognize the name Evergrande from the last week's headlines. (Not to be confused with Ever Given, the massive boat...