Hot Spot – Central African Republic
This intelligence brief provides an overview of the crisis in the Central African Republic (CAR). Patreon supporters can access the podcast deep dive that explores the history and current threats for this global hot...
Uighurs and Rohingya – Modern Crimes Against Humanity
In this intelligence brief podcast episode available exclusively to the End of History's Patreon supporters, JB Shreve takes a deep dive into the crises of the Uighurs and the Rohingya. We take a look...
The History of American Foreign Policy in the Middle East
It did not start with peace summits and oil. It also did not begin with unconditional US support of Israel and Saudi Arabia. The history of American foreign policy in the Middle East is...
A Historical Breach of Security
Years before the coronavirus pandemic, experts repeatedly warned the United States was not ready for the next major disease outbreak and that another significant outbreak was inevitable. The US political establishment failed to respond,...
Water Bets – Investing In Water Scarcity
In my book How the World Ends – Understanding the Growing Chaos, I traced the source of growing unrest and crisis across the world to three root causes – food distribution, water scarcity, and...
Barry Goldwater – The New Conservative
When Barry Goldwater is recalled to today's popular imagination, he is remembered as an extremist, a danger, and a war hawk. In his 1964 acceptance speech at the Republican convention, he famous said, "Extremism...
Henry Clay – The Great Compromiser
Thirty years before Abraham Lincoln was elected President, a Congressman named Henry Clay was doing everything he could to address the American states' growing divisions. The story of Henry Clay is next in our...
Henry Wallace – The Great Turning Point
When the Great Depression hit, everyone saw their political philosophies and ideologies upended. Franklin Roosevelt himself said much of the New Deal was just trying a little bit of everything to find what would...
William Jennings Bryan – American Progressive
This first episode in our podcast, The Losers, tells the story of William Jennings Bryan. Bryan is what you would get if you combined Pat Robertson and Alexandria Octavio-Cortez into one person? Ok, maybe...
The Losers – Podcast Series
The Losers tells the story of people lost to the pages of popular American history. They once presented the country with a vision of the future. They offered a unique interpretation of what America...