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An American Citizen is Leading a Revolt in Libya – What Is Happening In...

The most recent instigator of the violence in Libya is a 75-year old former resident of northern Virginia, Khalifa Hifter.
coup in brazil

Why is Latin America So Dysfunctional? Part Four – Cold Wars, Dirty Wars, Drug...

This final post in my series on the history of US involvement in Latin America considers how Latin America was destabilized by constant American efforts from the Cold War to today.

Why is Latin America So Dysfunctional? Part Three – United Fruit Company

The United Fruit Company introduced a new level of corporate imperialism to Latin America and is key to understanding the modern dysfunctions in the region as well as America's relationship with its neighbors.
american imperialism in latin america

Why is Latin America So Dysfunctional? Part Two – American Imperialism

This series continues the look at US and Latin American history. In part 2 we look at American imperialism in Latin America during the early 20th century.
Why is Latin America So Dysfunctional

Why is Latin America So Dysfunctional? Part One – The US and Mexico

Why is Latin America so dysfunctional, and plagued by poverty and violence? This 4-part series looks at the history of America's involvement and interference in Latin America. Part 1 looks at the historical relationship of between the US and Mexico.
what is happening in nicaragua

What Is Happening In Nicaragua

In April 2018 a protest movement began demanding the removal of President Ortega from office. This backgrounder explains what is happening in Nicaragua.
erasing history

Erasing History

The establishment of the permitted narrative is the telling of history itself and it tells a lot about our own modern society. The efforts to hide parts of our history are not simply to protect us but to tell a new story and define a new future. It is a strategy that has been used before and it has always led to disastrous results.
eugenics movement

The Popular, Successful, Terrible, Horrible True Story of the Scientific Theory of Eugenics

The eugenics movement was a belief that fostered racism, discrimination, abortion, and genocide. It was embraced by academics, politicians, and celebrities.
venezuela in crisis podcast

Venezuela in Crisis

Understanding the facts and history behind the crisis in Venezuela
understanding kashmir

Understanding Kashmir – Kashmir and the Recent Terrorist Attack

David Devadas, leading expert on the conflict and status in Kashmir visits with JB Shreve and the End of History. An important and insightful discussion about the recent terrorist attack in Kashmir.