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A principle of the Kingdom of God is that we reap what we sow. This is the reality of history. Amid much of the chaos, today lies the fragile and weak seeds that nations and leaders sowed in the past. At the End of History, we enjoy discovering the roots of those tangled webs of self-destruction by taking a deep look at the history behind today’s disorder.

dark history of the nobel prize

The Dark History of the Nobel Prize (They Prefer You Forget)

Last week the Nobel Prize Committee began announcing its 2021 recipients. The highly esteemed Nobel Prize is named after Alfred Nobel, a 19th-century Swedish...

How America’s Best and Brightest Set the Stage for Vladimir Putin’s...

This weekend President Biden “forcefully” called for regime change in Russia. Speaking of Vladimir Putin, the US President said, “For God’s sake, this man...

1948 – Six Years That Made the Middle East

Episode 2 in our series Six Years That Made the Middle East, looks at 1948. This was the year that Israel became a state, but there...
isaac and Ishmael

Isaac and Ishmael: Origins of the Middle East Conflict, or a...

For the last 80 years, a popular teaching has emerged that states the conflict between Israel and the Arabs is Biblical in origin. According...
srebrenica massacre

24 Years Ago Today – Srebrenica Massacre

Twenty-four years ago this week the Srebrenica massacre took shape. It stands as one of the darkest shadows in Europe since World War II.

26 Great Reads for Understanding Modern India

I still have several episodes left to completion of the series on the history of modern India but I thought I would go ahead and...

1967 Six Days War Timeline – Infographic – the End of...

This is a graphic of the 1967 Six Days War timeline. It goes well with my podcasts and guides on the story. Learn more...
death of Ayatollah Khomeini

The Death of Khomeini

I talked about these images from the funeral and death of Ayatollah Khomeini in the podcast episode today. This scene from the funeral procession...
photos that aren't true

When A Picture Speaks A Thousand FALSE Words

A picture is worth a 1,000 words but it would serve us well to inquire before we believe them. We might be surprised by the famous photos that are not true.
eichmann operation finale

The Incredibly True Story of Adolf Eichmann and Operation Finale

The capture of Adolf Eichmann and the true story of Operation Finale are fascinating history and presented significant considerations on morality.