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Since 2012 JB Shreve & the End of History have published more than 400 podcast episodes informing, encouraging, and helping our audience understand the chaos of the world we live in today. From our in-depth series on various social and historical issues to periodic intelligence briefs and backgrounders, JB Shreve & the End of History needs to be included on your podcast rotation for believers who want to better understand our world.

christian right history

History of the Christian Right – Part 6: End of the Christian Right

This final episode in our series looks at how the religious and Christian right lost its influence in America. Picking up with the culture...

History of the Christian Right – Part 5: The Culture War of the 1990s

The 1980s saw great prominence for the rise of the religious right. The beliefs and politics of this group transitioned from a subculture to...
Carter crisis of confidence christian right

History of the Christian Right – Part 4: A Born Again President and the...

After the tumult of the 60s and Watergate, Americans were burnt out by the mid 1970s. Jimmy Carter entered the scene as America’s first...
Christian right

History of the Christian Right – Part 3: Christian America Undone the Turbulent 60s...

The idea of a Christian America began falling apart in the 1960s. For the religious right the 1960s and 70 answer the question, when did America...

History of the Christian Right – Part 2: The Christian Nation, America in the...

There is a reason why American conservatives and Christian conservatives look back to the 1950s as the golden age of America. The 1950s were...

History of the Christian Right – Part 1: Before We Were Republicans

The origin of Christian involvement in American politics has a longer history than most people realize but it probably does not begin where you...
eradicating disease

Eradicating Disease

Plagued: Humanity’s History with Disease, Outbreaks, and Pandemics – Podcast Series – Part 7 We take for granted the giant leap humanity took over the course of...
aq khan

North Korea, Iran and the Wrath of Khan

This podcast features the true story of AQ Khan, the man who more than any other individual helped spread the threat of nuclear war...
iran history islamic republic of iran history us and iran history of iran podcast history of Iran podcast episode 5 history of iran podcast episode 4 history of iran podcast episode 3 history of iran podcast episode 2 history of iran podcast episode 1

The Islamic Republic of Iran Is Born: History of Iran and the Next War...

Part 4 in our series looks on the History of Iran and the Next War looks at the decade following the Islamic Revolution of 1979. We look at the severing of Iranian relations with the west, the Iran-Iraq War, and chaos and atrocities unleashed by the Ayatollah Khomeini and the end of Iranian relations with the western world. 
islamic revolution podcast

Islamic Revolution: History of Iran and the Next War Part 3

This is part 3 in my podcast series on the History of Iran and the Next War. Today we pick up after the 1953 coup and follow the story through to the 1979 Islamic Revolution - which ended up changing the world we all live in.