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Since 2012 JB Shreve & the End of History have published more than 400 podcast episodes informing, encouraging, and helping our audience understand the chaos of the world we live in today. From our in-depth series on various social and historical issues to periodic intelligence briefs and backgrounders, JB Shreve & the End of History needs to be included on your podcast rotation for believers who want to better understand our world.

islamic extremism

Killers in the Name of God Part 2: Decline of Islam

Before Islamic extremism took hold in the Middle East there was actually a decline in Islam’s influence there as nationalism and political philosophies took...
islamic extremism

Killers in the Name of God Part 3: The Killers of Allah

By the 1980s nationalism and political philosophies had failed the former Islamic world of the Middle East. Into this vacuum stepped Islamic extremist ideologies...
VENEZUELA CRISIS podcast venezuela food crisis

Venezuela in Crisis – Part 1

This two part podcast series explains the how the current crisis in Venezuela developed. Part 1 looks at the history of Venezuela and demonstrates this South American nation's unique place in the global order. Venezuela in Crisis helps you understand the news that is unfolding today.
guy fawkes gunpowder plot

History of Terrorism Part 3: Guy Fawkes & The Gunpowder Plot

This new episode in our history of terrorism podcast series looks at tyrannicide, the religious wars of Europe and the famous Guy Fawkes Gunpowder...
election meddling

Election Meddling

In this podcast episode we take a brief look at the long history of election meddling which the US has helped to write since 1915.
reign of terror

History of Terrorism Part 4: The Reign of Terror

In this latest episode in our History of Terrorism podcast series we look at "The Reign of Terror" in the French Revolution. This event set the stage for future terrorists like Joseph Stalin and Mao Zedong who used purist ideology and the powers of the state to reign down unprecedented horrors on their people.
secret societies illuminati

History of Terrorism Part 5: Secret Societies

From the Illuminati to 9/11 conspiracy theories, secret societies and the paranoia they inspire are key pieces to the history of terrorism.
klux klux klan kkk white terrorism

History of Terrorism Part 6: White Terrorism in the South

Our podcast series on the History of Terrorism continues. This 2 part podcast episode looks at White Terrorism in the south after the Civil War. Be prepared for a look at a shameful American history you have probably never heard or considered. America's part in the history of terrorism did not start at 9/11. It started in the 19th century and it helps explain a lot of the domestic issues today.
aq khan

North Korea, Iran and the Wrath of Khan

This podcast features the true story of AQ Khan, the man who more than any other individual helped spread the threat of nuclear war...
nat turner and john brown

American Terrorists: Nat Turner and John Brown

"One man's freedom fighter is another man's terrorist." Another way of saying this is, terrorists do not always appear the way we expect them...