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paris peace conference

14 Interesting Facts About the Paris Peace Conference – 100 Years Ago Today

Today marks the 100 year anniversary of the convening of the Paris Peace Conference. This meeting would result in the Treaty of Versailles which officially ended World War I and radically change the shape of world. Many of the assumptions we take for granted about the world today were established at the Paris Peace Conference in 1919.
history of irish terrorism michael collins

History of Terrorism: Irish Terrorism

My podcast series on the History of Terrorism continues with the story of Irish Terrorism. This episode looks at the origins of the conflict between the Irish and the British and moves through the 19th century and all the way to Michael Collins and the Irish Free State.
definition of terrorism

What Is Terrorism?

Currently, there is no universally accepted definition of terrorism. The many definitions which exist contradict one another and even worse are flexible to shifting policies and priorities. The lack of definition given to this sinister enemy has not prevented countless wars and violent state-sponsored attacks throughout the world in the name of the war on terror.
history of the middle east podcast series

History of the Middle East

Your ultimate guide to the history of the modern Middle East
history of iran podcast

History of Iran and the Next War

A thorough look at the history of Iran and US-Iranian relations without the political hype.
origins of the Kashmir conflict why is kashmir so important

Kashmir Conflict Backgrounder

This post is part of my wider History of India series. Today we look at the history of the Kashmir conflict and also answer the question of Why is Kashmir so important? Why is Kashmir...
understanding south sudan conflict

Understanding the Conflict in South Sudan – Timeline and Fact Sheet

The following is a brief overview for understanding the conflict in South Sudan. Scroll down for a look at the South Sudan conflict timeline and South Sudan conflict fact sheet. This post is updated...
eichmann operation finale

The Incredibly True Story of Adolf Eichmann and Operation Finale

The capture of Adolf Eichmann and the true story of Operation Finale are fascinating history and presented significant considerations on morality.
middle class is angry

The Middle Class Is Angry – The American Caste System Part 4

This is part four in the series this week from JB Shreve and the End of History.   Unlike those in poverty, when you’re middle class you usually know you are struggling. Struggle defines your lifestyle....

What It’s Like to Be Poor – The American Caste System Part 3

Part 3 in my series on the American Caste System looks at what it's like to be poor in America. This begins to explain why we have class conflict.