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Since 2012 JB Shreve & the End of History have published more than 400 podcast episodes informing, encouraging, and helping our audience understand the chaos of the world we live in today. From our in-depth series on various social and historical issues to periodic intelligence briefs and backgrounders, JB Shreve & the End of History needs to be included on your podcast rotation for believers who want to better understand our world.

Carter crisis of confidence christian right

History of the Christian Right – Part 4: A Born Again President and the...

After the tumult of the 60s and Watergate, Americans were burnt out by the mid 1970s. Jimmy Carter entered the scene as America’s first...

History of the Christian Right – Part 5: The Culture War of the 1990s

The 1980s saw great prominence for the rise of the religious right. The beliefs and politics of this group transitioned from a subculture to...
christian right history

History of the Christian Right – Part 6: End of the Christian Right

This final episode in our series looks at how the religious and Christian right lost its influence in America. Picking up with the culture...
six years that made the Middle East

1919 – Six Years That Made the Middle East

In our first episode in this podcast series that explores the six pivotal years that made the modern Middle East, we look at 1919....

1948 – Six Years That Made the Middle East

Episode 2 in our series Six Years That Made the Middle East, looks at 1948. This was the year that Israel became a state, but there...
isaac and Ishmael

Isaac and Ishmael: Origins of the Middle East Conflict, or a Religious Myth?

For the last 80 years, a popular teaching has emerged that states the conflict between Israel and the Arabs is Biblical in origin. According...

1967 – Six Years That Made the Middle East

  Episode 3 in our series Six Years That Made the Middle East, looks at 1967. This is the year of the famous Six Days War....

1979 – Six Years That Made the Middle East

  In our next episode of the Six Years that Made the Middle East, we look at 1979. In the aftermath of the Six Days...

2003 – Six Years That Made the Middle East

In our Six Years That Made the Modern Middle East podcast series, we come to 2003, the year of the US invasion of Iraq....
why do christians support Israel

Why Do Christians Support Israel?

Why do Christians in the Western world often give unconditional support to the nation of Israel? Can a Christian believe in a loving and...