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First Comes Confusion, Then Comes the Chaos – 2024 US Elections

Reading Time: < 1 minute The 2024 US Presidential election season will kick off tomorrow with the first caucuses in Iowa. This week’s current events brief looks at how we can expect 2024 to be unlike any other election, full of confusion at first, then comes the chaos. These video briefs are available exclusively to our Patreon supporters. Links New…

January 14, 2024

1919 – Six Years That Made the Middle East

Reading Time: 2 minutes In our first episode in this podcast series that explores the six pivotal years that made the modern Middle East, we look at 1919. This is the year of the Paris Peace Conference after World War I. The modern world was born at those meetings and the modern Middle East was (literally) drawn out on…

1 min to read
Global Intelligence Briefs Latest

Are We Heading Toward A Wider Middle East War?

Reading Time: < 1 minute Today marks three months since the Hamas invasion of Israel on October 7, 2023. This video brief looks at the current state of the conflict and where it is heading. Read More:  – US Steps Up Diplomatic Effort to Avert Wider Middle East War (Wall Street Journal) – Middle East Is Sliding Closer to the…

1 min to read
Global Latest

What Will Become of Global Democracy in 2024

Reading Time: < 1 minute This video brief is available exclusively to our Patreon supporters at the End of History.   In my new book, Politically Incorrect: Real Faith in an Era of Unreal Politics, I mention how a false god represents anything we place our hope and trust in above the one true God. Will 2024 be the year…

1 min to read
Latest Podcasts

History of the Christian Right – Part 6: End of the Christian Right

Reading Time: < 1 minute This final episode in our series looks at how the religious and Christian right lost its influence in America. Picking up with the culture wars in the 1990s and continuing through to today, we look at how the years of greatest strength for the religious right ended up exposing massive vulnerabilities. This is where the…

1 min to read
Latest Podcasts

History of the Christian Right – Part 5: The Culture War of the 1990s

Reading Time: < 1 minute The 1980s saw great prominence for the rise of the religious right. The beliefs and politics of this group transitioned from a subculture to the mainstream and set the stage for the Culture Wars of the 1990s.

1 min to read
Latest Podcasts

History of the Christian Right – Part 4: A Born Again President and the Moral Majority

Reading Time: < 1 minute After the tumult of the 60s and Watergate, Americans were burnt out by the mid 1970s. Jimmy Carter entered the scene as America’s first born again president. He wouldn’t be good enough for the standards of the religious right and the newly formed organization of the moral majority.

1 min to read
Latest Podcasts

History of the Christian Right – Part 3: Christian America Undone the Turbulent 60s and 70s

Reading Time: < 1 minute The idea of a Christian America began falling apart in the 1960s. For the religious right the 1960s and 70 answer the question, when did America stop being a Christian nation. The social turbulence of this time period actually worked to solidify the religious right as a movement and political force beyond anti-Communism. This episode is about…

1 min to read
Latest Podcasts

History of the Christian Right – Part 2: The Christian Nation, America in the 50s

Reading Time: < 1 minute There is a reason why American conservatives and Christian conservatives look back to the 1950s as the golden age of America. The 1950s were the closest thing America has ever been to being a Christian nation by the standards most modern religious conservatives offer. In the 1950s the forces of anti-communism and pro-Americanism easily merged…

1 min to read
Latest Series

History of the Christian Right

Reading Time: 5 minutes   In 2016 I published one of my favorite podcast series released here at the End of History. It was a 6-part podcast series on the History of the Religious Right. Unlike most popular histories of the Religious Right or the history Christian Right, this podcast series took a respectful and sympathetic approach to the…

6 mins to read